1. I currently use different payroll software. Is it possible to transition to PayHelp?

It is! PayHelp is a simple program to master. The transition to future years will not be difficult. We are currently working on an interfacing module to let you transfer your data from previous years to PayHelp. Should you require any assistance, we are here to help you!

2. Is technical support provided for free?

The initial assistance (i.e. one email) related to installation and operation of PayHelp is provided free of charge. Continued technical support (up to 10 emails) is provided with the activation code purchase.



1. Is PayHelp for me?

PayHelp is perfect for diverse small business owners who have little time to worry about payroll. Give it a try! It’s free, and annual CRA submission is included.

2. What do I do if payroll regulations have changed?

We will email you any changes that have been made to payroll regulations, so you can stay up-to-date. We will also update PayHelp as quickly as possible, and provide you with an updated copy.


1. Why do I need an activation code?

The activation code is only for PayHelp users who want to use our software to file an annual CRA submission.

2. How do I purchase the activation code? Is it secure?

You can buy the activation code here. We accept all major credit cards. Our payment portal is completely secure. All information is kept confidential.

3. Does PayHelp provide the required CRA reports?

Yes, PayHelp generates over 70 different forms and schedules to help you maintain your operations with ease. It also generates all required CRA reports, specifically T4, T5018, T4A, and T5, as well as all corresponding summaries.0